Fixing Your Relationship With Your Body

You should go on a diet… say what?!?

Have you ever felt so terrible in your body that you would do anything to change it? Including every diet you hear of?

You’ve tried a dozen diets but none of them have worked… You just want to lose more weight. 

I’m going to tell you something you probably don’t want to hear… but will save you in the long run.

You will never lose enough weight.

You aren’t discontent with your body because of the number on the scale, you are discontent with your body because you think you aren’t good enough… because you have hateful thoughts toward your body… because you have been trained to hate your body.

Girl, I know none of those thoughts are true and deep down you do too. 

Losing weight will never fix it, but what I’m going to share with you will. 

But first, please know I come from a place of care and understanding… because I’ve been there. I was in a place where my body and weight consumed me. 

I’ve learned how to move out of that place and I want you to learn how too! 

So let me show you exactly how I did it. 


1. Become aware of and challenge your thoughts

In order to change how you feel about your body, you have to change your thoughts. This will be a PROCESS. Changing your thoughts will not be easy. 

You may not even realize your thoughts are changing from more negative to positive (like I said… slow process). But one day you will look back and see how far you have come. 

Before I started changing my thoughts, I was consumed with thoughts about what foods will effect my weight and getting enough exercise in to “make up for” my calories. 

I was always thinking about what I was going to eat and what I was not going to eat. And when I ate I was thinking about how the food would make me feel (this can be helpful but at the time I was using the feeling more as punishment). 

The more weight I lost, the more I wanted to lose. But it never fulfilled me. 

When I started changing my thoughts about food and exercise, I started feeling good in my body and the number on the scale became less and less important. 

Over time, my thoughts became more about feeling good in my body and less about how much I weighed. 

Feeling good in your body will not come through the next diet that comes along. Feeling good in your body will come by taking care of your body AND your mind. 

2. Ditch the scale

The number on the scale means nothing. It’s simply a form a measurement. 

A scale does not determine your worth. 

You are worth so much more than a number. 

Would you define your best friend by how much he/she weighs? No!! So why do we do this to ourselves??

You are a mother. You are a wife. You are kind, generous, and gentle. 

A lot of things can define you… but not the scale. 

Ditching the scale was one of the actions that helped me take the biggest leap in my relationship with my body. 

I was so fixated on the number. I thought I needed to lose a couple pounds so I could be that certain number. 

But now I have no idea what I weigh and I feel GREAT! This does NOT mean that I don’t take care of myself, in fact I take better care of myself and my body. I simply am not defined by the number on the scale. 

The change came from eliminating the worry about a number and focusing instead on how I FEEL!

3. Do things that make you feel good in your body

NOT to punish your body, but to change how you feel in your body. 

When you feel good IN your body, you will feel good ABOUT your body. 

Three main ways you can help yourself feel good in your body are: self-care, movement, and food.

Go for a walk, move your body, fuel your body with whole foods, relax, spend time with family… 

There are so many options that can help us feel good in our bodies!


You are living with your body for the rest of your life… so are you going to stay stuck in the discontentment or are you going to make changes to feel better in your body?

Like I said, changing how you feel about your body will take WORK. But trust me, the work is SO worth the reward!


I’m doing a free training on Tuesday 6/21 at 7pm CST on changing your thoughts about your body. If you are struggling with thoughts about your body, you do not want to miss this!  Register here so you don’t miss a thing. 

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I’m Ashley

I HELP women heal their mental health through lifestyle habits

I spend my days helping others learn more about themselves and take care of themselves so they can live a life they love. You are capable of living a life feeling good in your body and I love seeing that happen!

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