Over the past couple years I’ve been on a journey to heal my gut. I’ve learned a lot about how the gut is connected to the brain and as you know… the brain controls everything.
That means that the gut can affect our mood, clarity, energy, and so much more.
On top of that our gut affects the way our stomach feels and responds to food.
I’ve learned which foods my gut likes and which ones… not so much.
Through this process I also learned that our gut isn’t just affected by our food, it’s also affected by the products we use.
That’s right… skin care, soap, laundry detergent and SO MUCH MORE!
Skin is the largest organ in your body! It absorbs everything. Even if you aren’t putting the products directly on your skin.
The products and toxins enter our body through our skin and into our gut. This can create many unwanted symptoms such as leaky gut, fatigue, mood changes, brain fog, and more.
It’s crazy what our gut does in response to the things in our environment. That’s why I’ve started slowly switching up the products I use.
1) Shampoo and Conditioner
I’ve tried a few but my favorite so far is Attitude Shampoo and Condition. It leaves my hair soft and shiny!
2) Body Wash
I’ve been using Native for at least two years now. I love the Cucumber!
3) Dry Shampoo
I have struggled finding dry shampoo that works for my hair. I have dark, flat hair and dry shampoo usually leave white stains in my hair. But I finally found one that works! Hair Dance dry shampoo blends well into my hair, doesn’t leave white stains, and gives my hair volume (which few products do).
4) Deodorant
I actually had trouble with this one. I tried quite a few that I didn’t like but I’ve landed on Tom’s. It doesn’t have a super strong smell and isn’t sticky like some other gut friendly deodorants.
5) Laundry detergent
7th Generation has all kinds of bath and cleaning products that are all gut friendly. I use many of them, including detergent and fabric softener.
6) Lotion
Everyone is another great brand. I use their lotion, but they also have body wash and hand sanitizer.
7) Multipurpose cleaner
Cleaners are one of the biggest toxins there is. Because we use them all over our house! I’ve used Mrs. Meyers and 7th Generation and they both work great! I prefer the smell of Mrs. Meyers.
8) Dish and dishwasher soap
Again, Mrs. Meyers and 7th Generation are the best (and cheapest) I’ve found.
9) Handsoap
I have tried a few, but Everyone is my favorite. They have a gentle and light scent, which I prefer.
10) Face wash
Finding a non-toxic face wash has honestly been a battle for me. I used a couple that didn’t work before finally landing on one that did: Bioelements. I’ve also used Dime and have loved theirs!
Almost all of these products you can find at Target or on Amazon and support your gut health. If you ever wonder about the ingredients in a product, check out the EWG app!
This can be a process of switching things up and finding what works for you. Don’t get discouraged when you don’t like the first product you try!
And don’t get overwhelmed with changing them all at once. Just switch them out as you run out!
It takes time to change up the products you use, but it’s worth it to heal your gut!