5 Myths About Exercise

Exercise is meant to be unique to every body. We all have different types of movement that help our bodies feel their best. 

A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog on the myths about self-care (you can find the blog here). 

I also want to share some myths and misconceptions about exercise. 

Exercise has become a weight loss tool, when it is really meant to keep our body flowing, strong, and healthy. 

Let’s take a look at some common beliefs about exercise – that are not true!


1. Doing cardio every day will help me lose weight

Cardio workouts are great when they are used properly and in moderation. Cardio workouts were not meant to be done every day. Doing cardio every day will actually hurt your body and cause more problems in the future. 

Cardio is meant to get the heart rate up and blood flowing in order to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy body. When we make our workouts about what it can do to keep our body healthy, we end up feeling way better than if we were to focus on weight loss. 

The weight loss may or may not come. But the more you focus on it the more you will want to lose. You will never be satisfied until you start loving your body where it is. 

The best way to use cardio is using a mix of cardio with other types of exercise throughout the week. You body needs the break from intense exercise. 

For me, doing cardio about two times per week works great! But again, you have to find the balance that works for you. 


2. The more I exercise the better

False! Our body needs rest as much as it needs exercise. When we don’t give our bodies rest, we will get the opposite of the results we want. 

I used to workout 6 days a week for up to an hour. When I decreased my days to 5 and started exercising for 30 minutes per day, I started feeling so much better! I learned how much my body needs rest. 

I’m not saying that exercising 6 days a week is bad and I’m not saying exercising for an hour is bad. What I’m saying is that listening to our body is the most important thing for taking care of our body. 

We need to listen when our body is telling us that it needs a rest. Your body will tell you when it needs a break, you just have to tune in. Don’t push yourself because you “need” to get your workout in. Sometimes the best thing we can do for our body is give it a break. 


3. I have to go to the gym to get results 

You can exercise anywhere and feel good. Just simply moving your body in ways that feel good to you! 

I used to go to the gym and spend at least an hour there every time, but I never felt great after. When I started doing at home workouts, that’s when I really started feeling good. 

You just have to find what you enjoy and that works for YOUR body. For some people, that’s running, others love going to the gym! For others it could be walking, biking, or even at home workouts like I love. 

There is no right or wrong way to exercise. The only right way is what feels good to your body and makes you the healthiest, happiest version of you. 


4. Exercise is all about how my body looks

No! It’s so much more! If this is how you feel, I recommend you start with some mindset work to transform your focus from your looks to how you feel (if you struggle with this I’ve opened up 5 1:1 coaching sessions for June. You can schedule one here). 

Exercise is a release. Exercise is about feeling good. We need to shift the focus of exercise from LOOKING good to FEELING good. 

When you are comfortable and confident in how you feel in your body, you will like the way your body looks, no matter what size. 


5. Exercise will make up for what I ate

Exercise does not make up for what you think was “bad.” In fact, there is no “messing up” with eating. And there is no such thing as a bad food. 

Yes, some food has more nutritional value than others, but that doesn’t make food “bad.” 

Diet culture makes food bad. Diet culture places a shame around certain foods. 

The truth is, we need to make an effort to fuel our bodies with food that makes us feel good as much as we need to exercise to make our bodies feel good. 

When you eat something that doesn’t make you feel your best, you start fresh and move toward being your healthiest self. It’s all about moderation!


Overexercising wears our body down, but balanced exercise gives energy. 

Limited or no exercise does not keep our body functioning properly, but balanced exercise does. 

You have to find a balance that feels good for YOUR body. 

Finding what works best for you might come with trial and error. You have to try different things out to find what helps you feel your best. 

Finding what works for you is a process but once you find it, you will truly feel your best! 

If you are ready to feel comfortable and confident in your body, this is the place to start. 

Stop fueling the lies and start fueling your body!

If you are feeling struck, I would love to chat more about how I can help you get unstuck. To a place where you love your body and are happy in your body. To a place where you are using exercise as a release, not a punishment.

I have opened up 5 1:1 sessions this month so if you are struggling, let’s get a session set up so you can get to the place you want to be in your body. 

I want to help YOU find YOUR perfect body. Not someone else’s. 

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I’m Ashley

I HELP women heal their mental health through lifestyle habits

I spend my days helping others learn more about themselves and take care of themselves so they can live a life they love. You are capable of living a life feeling good in your body and I love seeing that happen!

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