7 Reasons You Don’t Feel Good In Your Body

Feeling bad in our body is almost normalized by culture today. I’m here to tell you THIS IS NOT NORMAL. 

You CAN feel good in your body with a few simple changes. 

Here are some reasons you might not be feeling good in your body. 

  1. No Movement

Our body is literally made to move. When we sit all day, our body gets stiff and our blood doesn’t circulate. 

I will leave all the science stuff to the doctors, but trust me, our bodies need to move! Don’t you feel better when you move your body?

This can look different for everyone. Focus on what types of movement feels good to you. Maybe it’s simply taking a break from your desk to walk around or going on a run. It could be lifting weights or taking a bike right. 

I like to lift weights a few days a week, do cardio a couple days a week, and take walks with my dogs. 

There are so many options! Just find the one that works for you. 

  1. Not Enough Sleep

We are a success driven culture and are constantly on the go. That means everything else usually comes before sleep. 

But sleep is when our body repairs from all the work it does during the day and it NEEDS sleep. Specifically 7-9 hours of sleep. 

I’ve always been one to prioritize my sleep. Even during college I never pulled an all nighter 😉 My body just can’t do it! And that’s not a bad thing to me. 

I’ve learned to listen to my body and prioritize my sleep. I almost always get at least 8 hours of sleep. In order to get more sleep that’s exactly what you have to do: prioritize sleep. 

  1. Not Drinking Enough Water

A lot of problems can stem from dehydration and we don’t even realize it. If you are feeling tired, it could be from dehydration. 

Drinking water first thing in the morning is especially important! The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is drink a big glass of water. 

We wake up dehydrated because we don’t drink water when we are sleeping. If you are looking to add some good habits, I recommend starting with this one. 

  1. Harmful Eating Patterns

Harmful eating patterns looks different for different people. It could be binge eating, restricting food intake, emotional eating, and more. 

First I will say, if you struggle with this you are not alone and there is help available. Eating disorders are a very serious condition and should not be taken lightly. 

I will just say this. Our body needs food. It needs balance. It needs to be fueled. 

Not eating enough harms our body. Eating too much harms our body. It’s all about finding balance and finding a good relationship with food. 

Once I found a good relationship with food, I really started feeling good in my body. 

{  If you struggle with your relationship with food (and likely your relationship with your body) I have opened up 3 1:1 coaching spots this month. Let’s find a path that’s right for you to help you learn to love your body and heal your relationship with food. 💜 If you are interested fill out this coaching interest form and I will reach out. }

  1. Eating Processed Food

Processed food is severely harming our bodies. Some of the ingredients in food today was never meant for human consumption.

Think back to 50 years ago. Our grandparents lived on farm fresh food and didn’t have the fast food we have today. They also had only a fraction of the health problems people in our society have today. 

There is a direct correlation between the food we eat and health and mental health conditions. 

A good rule to live by is the 80/20 rule. Have your ice cream, fast food, boxed food 20% of the time and enjoy whole foods 80% of the time. Your body will thank you!

  1. No Self-Care 

When I started my journey to taking care of myself, I thought I didn’t have time for self-care. I mean, I was in grad school, working full-time, and I was in a serious relationship planning a wedding. 

I learned my lesson when I burned out and had to start creating boundaries and taking action to care for myself. The busier you are, the more you need to take care of yourself.

What I learned is self-care does not take all the time in the world. It’s not about how much time it takes, it’s about how well you are taking care of yourself and that you are taking action to do so. 

There is not amount of time you “have” to spend taking care of yourself. You just have to do what’s best for you. 

My favorite self-care activities are exercise, stretching, and spending time with my dogs and husband!

  1. Self-Destructive Thoughts

Thoughts can really tear us down. They can be unconscious and we may not even realize what we are saying to ourselves. 

The first step to overcoming self-destructive thoughts is to become aware of them. Once you are aware of your thoughts, you can start to change them. 


If you are struggling with any of these 7 things, check out my Self-Care Journal to keep you consistent. 

It’s not just any self-care journal. It includes space to:

  • schedule self-care activities
  • increase gratitude 
  • increase awareness of feelings
  • track food and movement
  • one page for journaling

The journal is meant to keep you consistent and accountable. 


With a few simple changes you can change how you feel in your body. 

You don’t have to give up all the things you love to find a good relationship with your body. Just take care of the one you were given!

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I’m Ashley

I HELP women heal their mental health through lifestyle habits

I spend my days helping others learn more about themselves and take care of themselves so they can live a life they love. You are capable of living a life feeling good in your body and I love seeing that happen!

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